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January 7th (2025) Start - Contextual Schema Therapy: Building the Healthy Adult Mode in Schema Therapy with Dr Rob Brockman (6-Week Online Course; 16-Hours CPD)
Welcome to your Online Course: "Contextual Schema Therapy" with Rob Brockman (2024)
Welcome from Rob Brockman, and Getting the Most out of Your Online Course
Core Reading; "Contextual Schema Therapy" for Week 1 (27:05)
Week 1 - Defining the Healthy Adult Mode: Theory and Research
(Online Seminar 1) Defining the Healthy Adult Mode: Contributions from the 3rd Wave (46:26)
Week 1 Connection & Reflection Questions
Additional Relational Frame Theory - Geek Out Resources
Week 2: Building Mindfulness, Acceptance and Defusion
Webinar Video and Reading: Building Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Defusion in Schema Therapy (31:29)
Mindful Use of Mode Monitoring Form: Short Video (9:43)
Acceptance of Emotions in Schema Therapy
Presenting a Rationale for Mindfulness Practice within a Schema Therapy Framework
Mindful 5-4-3 Grounding Technique
Bonus Content from Course 2 (Mode Course): A 5-Step Process of Attunement (34:34)
Week 2 Connection and Reflection Activity
Week 3 - Values Clarification Exercises and Commitment Strategies for Building a Healthy Adult 'Self'
Webinar Video: Values Engagment as a Core Concept for Building Motivation and Identity (23:59)
Introduction to the Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ)
Experiential Values Exercises: Positive Imagery Exercise
Webinar Video: Autonomy Support and Choice as a Driver of Motivation, Change and The Healthy Adult Mode (18:04)
Committed Action (Pattern-Breaking) in Schema Therapy (7:12)
Contextually Informed Pros and Cons Exercise (30:31)
Connection and Reflection Task: Formulate a Discussion Question for upcoming Zoom Q&A (Schema Therapy Cafe')
Homework Task Due for Week 5: Complete the Young Positive Schema Questionnaire on Yourself and a Client (Due in Week 5)
Week 4: The Healthy Adult Has (Self)-Compassion
Webinar Video: Understanding and Challenging the Functions of Self-Critisism in Schema Therapy: Interventions to Build Self-Compassion (27:25)
Experiential Exercise for Compassion: Little Boy or Girl On the Street Imagery
Experiential Exercise: Developing and Using an Image of a "Perfect Nurturer"
Video Presentation Challenging the Function of the Critic Mode with Compassion (18:36)
Week 4 Reflection and Connection Task
Week 5: Building Positive Schemas in Practice
Webinar Video: Assessing & Building Positive Schemas - Research and Practice (35:19)
Reflection and Connection Task
'What's the Schemata' Podcast Video with ACT Expert Professor Joseph Ciarrochi (51:26)
SAVE THE DATE: (2025) Schema Therapy Cafe: Zoom Meet and Q&A Session with Rob Brockman
Week 6: Perspective-Taking, Flexible Reparenting, Putting it all Together
Week 6 Overview with Rob and Wrap-Up (2:08)
Video 1: Perspective Taking in Schema Therapy: Connecting to Feelings States and Invoking the Healthy Adult Mode (12:44)
Bonus Resources and Reflection Task: CST Youtube Channel and Examples of Impeaching the Critic with Perspective Shift
Video 2: Flexible and Mindful Reparenting (9:40)
Downloading Your Certificate and Keeping an Active PD Record/Course Finish Date
Bonus Script from Week 6 CST Video with Eckhard - Dealing with internalizing clients in detached protector coping mode
Here is one someone kindly shared.
Bonus Content_Zoom Q&A from October (2020) (48:21)
Experiential Exercise for Compassion: Little Boy or Girl On the Street Imagery
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