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April 1st (2025) Start: Methods to Manage Emotions: Integrating Schema Therapy with DBT
Preparation and Introduction
Webinar: How to make the Most of this Course (13:03)
Article: Schema Therapy Bulletin Article "Methods to Manage Emotions
Save the Date: Q&A April, 2025
A Note on Handouts / Worksheets
Week 1: Using DBT Skills in Schema Therapy
Webinar 1: What is DBT? Similarities and Differences to ST (44:49)
Webinar 1.2: A Framework and Tools for Integrating DBT Skills into Schema Therapy (30:21)
Skills Video: Discussing Skills teaching during Treatment Proposal (8:08)
Skills Video: "Ad-Hoc" suggestions of skills during a session (16:56)
Week 2: Mindfulness in Schema Therapy
Webinar 2.1: The Use of Mindfulness in Schema Therapy (53:35)
Webinar 2.2: 6-week Mindfulness Challenge, Setting up Your practice (17:30)
Track: Mindfulness of Emotion
Track: Mindfulness of the Breath
Week 3: Crisis Survival Skills
Webinar 3.1: Introduction to Crisis Survival Skills (24:47)
Webinar 3.2: "Hot Skills" - TIPP, STOP, Pros and Cons (46:43)
Webinar 3.3: "Cold Skills" - Self-soothe, ACCEPTS, IMPROVE (43:32)
Skills Video: STOP Skill with Angry Child (13:51)
Skills Video: Grounding Technique - CIPOS (16:28)
Self-Reflection Exercise: Pros and Cons
Mindfulness Track: Body Scan
Mindfulness Track: Five senses
Week 4: Emotional Regulation Skills
Webinar 4.1: Education, awareness and labelling of Emotion (59:37)
Webinar 4.2: Changing Emotions (You want to Change) (57:54)
Webinar 4.3: Decreasing Emotional Vulnerability (22:23)
Skills Video: Cope Ahead Skill (38:19)
Skills Video: Opposite Action to Punitive Mode (18:44)
Self-Reflection: Opposite Action
Mindfulness Track: Leaves on a Stream
Week 5: Communication and Assertiveness Skills
Webinar 5.1: Being Assertive - DEAR MAN, empathic confrontation, BIFF (66:18)
Webinar 5.2: GIVE FAST skills (38:40)
Webinar 5.3: Options for Evaluating Intensity - Dime Game (42:52)
Skills Video: Role play with DEAR MAN (38:33)
Skills Video: Demonstrating the Dime Game (29:10)
Self-Reflection: Using DEAR MAN GIVE FAST skills
Mindfulness Track: Looking After Your Vulnerable Child
Mindfulness Track: Strengthening Your Healthy Adult
Week 6: Cultivating the Happy Child Mode
Webinar 6: Cultivating the Happy Child (63:28)
Skills Video: Working with an over controller to increase joy (33:24)
Live: Q&A Zoom session
Self-Reflection Activity: Cultivating your Happiness
Mindfulness Track: Cultivating Your Happy Child
Example Funny Videos (9:22)
Downloading Your Certificate and Keeping an Active PD Record/Course Finish Date
Article: Schema Therapy Bulletin Article "Methods to Manage Emotions
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