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April 1st (2025) Start - Schema Therapy for Forensic Populations (ST-F) with Dr Lars Madsen
Welcome To Your Forensic Schema Therapy Course
Getting The Most Out of Your Online (F-ST) Course
Course Pre-Readings, Preparation
Week 1: The Basic Model of Forensic Schema Therapy
Webinar Video - Introduction to Forensic Schema Therapy (40:44)
Webinar Video - Working in Forensic Contexts (27:44)
Webinar Video - Getting Started: Forensic Schema Therapy (30:29)
Bonus Geek Out Video Link: Interview with Prof. David Bernstein (14:00)
Week 1 Reflection Exercise
Week 2: Conceptualisation, Offence Analysis, and Mapping Offence Pathways (Part 1)
Working with Forensic Schema Therapy: The clinician's perspective (45:06)
Webinar Video: Emotional Needs, Schemas, Modes and Forensic Schema Therapy (18:32)
Webinar Video: Mode Mapping the Antisocial, Narcissistic, and Psychopathic Personalities (18:08)
Bonus Geek-Out Video Material: Spot the Modes (21:53)
Week 2 Reflection Activity: Building Your Awareness of Forensic Modes with Movie Clips from "The Joker"
Week 3: Conceptualisation, Offence Analysis, and Mapping Offence Pathways (Part 2)
The Joker 'Clips' analysis (29:01)
Webinar Video: Conceptualisation of Violent, Sadistic, and Sexual Offending (18:04)
Audio Transcript demonstrating Mode Sequencing in Offending Behaviour: Perfectionist/Over-Controller Mode (7:40)
Audio Transcript demonstrating Mode Sequencing in Offending Behaviour: Tracking the Mode 'Flips' (11:30)
Lars and Rob Discussion - Audio Transcript demonstrating Mode Sequencing in Offending Behaviour: Historical Development of a Sadistic Coping Mode (45:37)
Week 3 Reflection Exercise
Week 4: Stepping Into the Abyss: Engaging Mandated and Unmotivated Clients
Save the Date!! and Zoom Access Details Schema Therapy Cafe' upcoming with Lars Madsen
Video Webinar: Context Matters and Preparation for Treatment (21:04)
Video Webinar: Bypassing Forensic Coping Modes (21:04)
Video Role Play: Engaging the Conning Manipulator (29:45)
Video Role Play: Engaging the Conning Manipulator Part 2 (34:27)
Week 4 Reflection Task
Bonus Video Suggestion for Clients: 'Who we can love'
Bonus Video Suggestion for Clients: Good and Bad Childhoods
Bonus Video Suggestion for Clients: Emotional Needs (the 'still face' experiment)
Bonus Geek-Out Video Link: David Bernstein- Reparenting a Psychopath- Is it Possible, and Does it Matter
Week 5: Working with High Levels of Anger and Aggression in Forensic Schema Therapy
Video Webinar: Working with 'Hot Modes' and Anger Dysregulation (15:25)
Video Role Play: Working with Angry and Enraged Child (9:08)
Video Role Play: Dealing with the Angry Protector (8:27)
Video Role Play: Angry Protector (Clinical Client) (11:31)
Video Role Play: Dealing with the Bully & Attack Mode 1 - Limit Setting (3:17)
Video Role Play: Dealing with the Bully & Attack Mode 2 - Limit Setting (1:41)
Video Role Play: Dealing with the Bully & Attack Mode 3 - Empathic Confrontation & Limit Setting (2:20)
Video Role Play: Bully & Attack (Clinical Client) (15:15)
Week 5 Reflection Task
Week 6: Limited Reparenting - The Core of ST-F Intervention
Video Webinar - Challenges and Opportunities in Limited Reparenting (13:53)
Skills Video: Limited Reparenting - Empathic Confrontation (8:33)
Video Webinar: "Whoever Fights Monsters...Beware..." (11:12)
Week 6 Reflection Task
Downloading Your Certificate and Keeping an Active PD Record/Course Finish Date
Free Bonus Content: Schema Crime Channel: Schema Therapy for Violent Offenders with Lars Madsen
90-Minute Video Podcast with Lars Madsen (77:53)
READY FOR STREAMING!!! ST-F Zoom - Bonus Previous Q&A with Lars Madsen (64:11)
Bonus Readings and Forensic Schema Nerd out Zone
Save the Date!! and Zoom Access Details Schema Therapy Cafe' upcoming with Lars Madsen
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