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April 1st, 2025 (Start) - Schema Therapy for Forensic Populations (ST-F) - Course 2 (Advanced) Step-By-Step Outline of Forensic Schema Therapy Skills
Welcome To A Hero's Journey: The Forensic Schema Sessions
Getting The Most Out of Your Online: A Hero's Journey: The Forensic Schema Sessions Course
Course Pre-Readings, Preparation
Week 1: A Call To Adventure & Meeting The Mentor (Starting Therapy & Identifying Modes)
Webinar Video: The Attachment Phase: Establishing Rapport & Buy-In (33:37)
Webinar Video: The Attachment Phase: Identifying Modes Using Interview (37:26)
Week 1 Reflection Exercise
Section summary
Week 2: Crossing The Threshold (Mode Cards & Linking Offending to Modes)
Webinar Video: Attachment Phase: Identifying Modes Using Mode Cards (28:18)
Webinar Video: Attachment Phase: Linking Modes To Offending Behaviour (Offence Pathway Formulation) (43:21)
Week 2 Reflection Exercise
Bonus Material: Working with Psychopaths - Youtube Interview
Section summary Week 2
Week 3: The Ordeal (Dealing with the Forensic Modes)
Webinar Video: Attachment Phase: Dealing with OC Modes - Limit Setting & Empathic Confrontation with Bully & Attack Mode (23:09)
Webinar Video: Attachment Phase: Dealing with OC Modes - Limit Setting & Empathic Confrontation with Conning Manipulator (Chair Work) (16:48)
Week 3 Reflection Exercise
Save the Date!! and Zoom Access Details Schema Therapy Cafe' (April 12 at 1PM) with Lars Madsen & Shay Addison
Section summary Week 3
Week 4: Tests, Allies and Enemies (Confronting Avoidance & Trauma)
Video Webinar: Attachment Phase: Dealing With Avoidant Coping Mode: Chair Work (16:58)
Video Role Webinar: Reprocessing Phase: Diagnostic Float Back Imagery (16:38)
Week 4 Reflection Task
Bonus Material: Schema Therapy and the Psychology of a Child Murderer
Week 5: Seizing the Sword & The Road Back (Offence-Paralleling Behaviour and Limited Reparenting)
Video Webinar: Reprocessing Phase: Imagery Rescripting & Limited Reparenting (27:57)
Video Webinar: Reprocessing Phase: Modes as Risk Factors (Offence Paralleling Behaviour) (21:07)
Week 5 Reflection Task
Save the Date!! and Zoom Access Details Schema Therapy Cafe' (August 29th at 10AM) with Lars Madsen & Shay Addison
Save the Date!! and Zoom Access Details Schema Therapy Cafe' (Date to be advised) with Lars Madsen
Week 6: The Road Back & The Return (Recruiting the Healthy Adult & Relapse Prevention)
Video Webinar: Reintegration Phase: Recruiting the Health Adult Mode (28:16)
Video Webinar: Reintegration Phase: Chair Work, Recruiting the Healthy Adult, Reintegrating Little Riley (24:43)
Video Webinar: Relapse Prevention & The Real Riley (5:02)
Week 6 Reflection Task
Downloading Your Certificate and Keeping an Active PD Record/Course Finish Date
Free Bonus Content: Hero's Journey: The Forensic Schema Therapy Sessions
A Hero's Journey Wrap & Credits (1:59)
Behind the Scenes - A Hero'Journey (3:18)
Bonus Readings and Forensic Schema Nerd out Zone
Save the Date!! and Zoom Access Details Schema Therapy Cafe' (Date to be advised) with Lars Madsen
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