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(Closing Soon) February 4th (2025) Start - Online Course 1 - Schema Therapy: "The Basic Schema Model, Methods, and Strategies"
Introduction to Course 1
Introduction: Getting the Most Out of Your Online Schema Therapy Course (4:06)
Reading 1: Brockman et al (2023) Chapter 1 - From Core Emotional Needs to Schemas, coping Styles and Schema Modes: The Conceptual Model of Schema Therapy
Week 1: Origins and Conceptual Model of Schema Therapy
Week 1 Overview with Rob (2:37)
Video Presentation 1: Origins and Conceptual Model (35:09)
Video Activity: Understanding Core Emotional Needs and Schema Formation (Using a clip from the Movie "Shine") (18:03)
Week 1: Connection and Reflection Activity
Homework Activity: Young Schema Questionnaire (Due for scoring in Week 3)
Week 2: Introduction to Schemas and Coping Styles
Video: Introduction to Week 2 with Chris (4:22)
Video Presentation: Getting to Know the 18 Schemas (38:27)
Reflection Activity: Building my Understanding and Fluency of the 18 Schemas (1-Hour)
Video Presentation: The Three Coping Styles (13:23)
Week 3: Schema Assessment, Education, and Formulation
Video Presentation: Schema Assessment and Formulation (23:41)
Skills Video: Scoring and Interpreting the YSQ (8:11)
Young Parenting Scales
Reflection Task: Therapist Schemas in Practice
Experiential Role Play Example: Imagery for Assessment (7:24)
Reflection Task: Schema Formulation for One Patient
Save the Date!!! Tuesday April 8th 3pm AEST (Melbourne/ Sydney time), 1PM Perth/ Singapore/ HK
Week 4: Schema Interventions - Introducing Change Phase and Limited Reparenting
Introduction to Week 4: The Therapy Relationship - Limited Reparenting (6:42)
Video Presentation 4a: Providing Care, Attunement, and Guidance (21:39)
Skills Demonstration Video: Beyond the Standard Level of Care (9:01)
Reflection Activity: Directly Meeting the Need Using the Therapy Relationship
Video Presentation 4b: Limited Reparenting - Empathic Confrontation and Setting Limits (15:20)
Skills Demonstation: Empathic Confrontation and Limit Setting (6:34)
Reflection Activity: Using Empathic Confrontation in Your Clinical Practice
Week 5: Schema Interventions - Cognitve Techniques for Change Behavioural Techniques, Homework, and Structuring
Video Presentation 5a: Core Beliefs - The "Bottom Line" in Schemas (18:11)
Skill Development: How to Develop Schema Flashcards (11:24)
Developing a Flashcard for the Therapist
Video Presentation: How to Integrate Cognitive Material (22:31)
Video Presentation: Behavioural Pattern-Breaking in Schema Therapy (12:52)
Video: The Structure of a Schema Therapy Session, General Guidelines for Treatment (8:18)
Video Presentation: Schema Therapy Related Homework/ Assignments (3:41)
Week 6: Experiental Techniques - Imagery Rescripting and Schema Dialogues
Video Presentation 6a: Introduction to Experiential Work - Why do we Need Emotions In Schema Therapy? (6:26)
Skills Demonstration: Chairwork Exercise to Manage Self-Criticism/ Defectiveness/ Shame (5:50)
Video Presentation 6b: Imagery Rescripting, Linking Past to the Present (16:58)
Skills Demonstration: Using Imagery Rescripting - Emotional Deprivation Schema (12:50)
Audio Recordings: Examples of Safe-Place Imagery
Bonus Streaming Previous June Schema Therapy Cafe' Available for Streaming and attached resources (132:23)
Summary and What Next (Check Your Course Closing Date)
Video Presentation: What next? A Brief Introduction to the Schema Mode Model (27:05)
Evidence-Base for Schema Therapy (11:34)
Elevator Pitch Task: What are Schema Modes?
Video - Resources and What Course Wrap Up (11:08)
Downloading Your Certificate and Keeping an Active PD Record/Course Finish Date
Video Presentation 1: Origins and Conceptual Model
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