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(Closing Soon) February 4th (2025) Start - The Schema Therapy Solution: A Self-Awareness and Self-Development Course for Everyday Living with Rob Brockman, Wendy Behary & Chris Hayes
(Important - PLEASE READ - Before starting your course) - How to Approach Your Online Course from Rob, Wendy, and Chris - accessing the public Facebook Group
Welcome to The Schema Therapy Solution - with Wendy Behary (3:59)
What to Expect from the Course - with Chris Hayes (6:22)
Why Schema Therapy for Everyone? - with Rob Brockman (8:15)
Module 1 - 'Getting Your Needs Met' - Core Emotional Needs, 'Schemas', and Well-Being
Core Emotional Needs: The Heart of Healthy Well-Being and Emotional Development (15:54)
What Are Schemas? (34:46)
Video Reflection Task 1 - Film Reflections (5:21)
Video and Self-Reflection Task 1 - Need > Memory Form (4:16)
Use of Imagery to Help Connect to Your History and Vulnerability (6:03)
Video: Not getting anything? Trouble Shooting Needs? (13:57)
SAVE the DATE!!! - Questions? Q&A Session on ZOOM -- Starts 10am April 11th Sydney Time
Module 2 - Getting to know the 18 Schema "Wounds"
Video: Intro - to this Section - and Learning the Schemas (2:14)
Domain 1: The Connection and Acceptance Schemas (10:22)
Domain 2: The Autonomy, Competence, and Individuation Schemas (20:14)
Domain 3: Other-Directed Schemas (9:41)
Domain 4: Over-Vigilance and Inhibition Schemas (10:30)
Domain 5: Lack of Limits Schemas (10:02)
Video: Doing the Brief Schema Questionnaire (Brockman, Hayes, & Behary) (5:01)
Video - Tying it All Together - Changing the Schema Narrative (16:39)
Module 3 - 'Dealing with your Stuff': Coping Styles, Coping Behaviours, and 'Defense Mechanisms' in Everyday Living
Video 1 - An introduction to coping with schemas in everyday life: Coping styles & ‘survival’. Avoidance, Surrender, and Overcompensation Overview (11:20)
Video 2 - Schema coping styles that can 'get us stuck' - Introduction to coping responses and coping modes (29:21)
Reflection Task 1: What are my main coping responses? Where do they fit as a form of avoidance, surrender, or overcompensation?
Video 3: Sneaky Schemas and Covert Coping Styles (12:41)
Reflection Task 3: 'Noticing my schemas': Introduction to a schema monitoring form (6:13)
Reflection Task 4: Evaluating the Pros and Cons of your coping behavior. (30:32)
Module 4 - Choose Your Schema Story!
Welcome to Week 4 with Rob - How to Approach this Module (2:04)
Choose Your Schema Story! - Detailed Descriptions of Each Schema with Chris (2:29)
The Emotional Deprivation Schema (13:52)
The Abandonment Schema (14:35)
The Mistrust Abuse Schema (15:02)
The Defectiveness Schema (11:52)
The Social Isoloation/ Exclusion Schema (14:19)
The Incompetence (Dependence) Schema (29:18)
The Failure Schema (26:23)
The Enmeshment/Undeveloped Self Schema (33:55)
The Vulnerability to Harm or Illness Schema (30:56)
The Entitlement/Grandiosity Schema (16:54)
Insufficient Self-Control/Self-Discipline (18:08)
The Subjugation Schema (18:51)
The Self-Sacrifice Schema (18:23)
The Approval-Seeking/Recognition-Seeking Schema (19:22)
The Negativity/Pessimism Schema (21:47)
The Emotional Inhibition Schema (18:02)
The Unrelenting Standards Schema (16:05)
The Punitiveness Schema (18:27)
Reflection Exercise: Creating a Mind Map for My Schemas and Coping Styles with Rob (6:01)
Module 5 - Quieting Your Inner Critic, Self-Compassion. Where to Now? Advancing Self-Growth
Intro to Module 5 - "The Chief Vocaliser of Schemas" - The Critic - with Chris (2:08)
Video: The Metaphor of the Inner Critic - and it's Role in our Problems with Wendy (51:42)
Reflection and Discussion Task: Getting a Feel for the Critic - Example with Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'
Video: Developing a Schema Flashcard (Audio) - with Wendy (7:16)
Reflection Task: Does my Inner Critic Try to Help Me? Why does it Persist? Using a PROS and CONS to Understand my Inner Critic - with Rob (5:14)
Reflection Task: Writing a Letter to my Inner Critic
Video: Using Self-Compassion and Self Acceptance in Everyday Life, Practices for Installing and Sustaining Self-Compassion, (18:59)
Video: Schemas in our Work Life (17:27)
Video: Schemas and Parenting "That was then... and this is now" (31:05)
Elevator Pitch (Reflection) Task
Module 6: The Schema Solution: Strengthening your Healthy Adult Capacities
Definition of a 'Healthy Adult' Self - A Primer for Everyday Living (25:17)
Exercise: Making Contact with our Healthy Adult Mode through Imagery
Regrets and Resentments: Skills for Comforting Vulnerability when Triggered (23:57)
The 80th Birthday Imagery Exercise
How Can We Change: The Mindset to help Take Responsibility and Accountability for "Our Stuff" (11:08)
Our Relationship with ANGER (12:47)
Schemas and Your Relationship with Your "Significant Other" (28:51)
Breaking our Negative Patterns - A Template for Positive Behaviour Change (10:57)
On being a Thoughtful Consumer of Therapy (6:24)
Feedback, Thank You & "Paying it Forward'
A Big Thanks from the Three of Us!! Feedback & Next Steps (0:46)
(Bonus Content) Mindfulness, Grounding, and Acceptance Strategies for Making Contact with 'The Healthy Adult Mode'.
(Bonus) READY FOR STREAMING!!! Previous Q+A June (2024) (55:04)
Domain 4: Over-Vigilance and Inhibition Schemas
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