
The schema therapy model describes how unmet core needs lead to maladaptive schemas and coping behavior. Unfortunately, schema chemistry plays an important role when we choose our partners, so we often find ourselves in the same complementary roles that we got used to in childhood and fight the former significant others in our partners by mutually “pushing our buttons” in escalating mode cycles. Relationship problems are also ubiquitous in the presentations of individuals seeking therapy for high frequency problems (e.g., depression, anxiety).

In this 2-Hour Webinar, Dr Roediger will outline the most recent Schema Therapy for Couples Treatment Model, including demonstrating how our most powerful schema therapy techniques (e.g. Imagery Rescripting, Chair-work Dialogues) can be adapted for use in the couples therapy context. This webinar will be interesting for both couples therapists looking to add some schema therapy skills, but also Schema Therapists looking to add to their skills in working with couples and relationships.

Certificate of Completion (2-Hours CPD) is downloadable on completion

Note: This was an amazing event - Eckhard provides an overview of the couple's model of schema therapy before skillfully demonstrating how to implement both Imagery Rescripting and Chairwork Dialogues in a couple's context. A framework is also discussed for when and how to involve partners in individual work too! We finished off with a Q&A where Rob was asking many of the hard hitting questions you might want to know about applying schema in this context (e.g. how to manage affairs).

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Dr Eckhard Roediger (M.D.) - Frankfurt Germany

(Past President of the ISST)

ISST Accredited Supervisor and Trainer in the Couples Model

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