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(Closing Soon) February 4th (2025) Start: Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders (Course 1) with Dr Susan Simpson
PREPARATORY MODULE: Introduction to Eating Disorders
Preparatory Information: New to Eating Disorders?
Preparation Webinar 1 New to Eating Disorders? (32:02)
Preparation Webinar 2 New to Eating Disorders? (32:34)
Useful online resources for working with eating disorders
MODULE 1: Introduction to Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders.
Intro: How to Get the Most Out of Your Online Course with Susan Simpson
Intro to the week- “Welcome to Course 1: Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders” (5:16)
Webinar 1: Evidence base, Comorbidity & Rationale for ST for Eating Disorders (23:33)
Webinar 2: PATHWAYS to EATING DISORDERS - The role of temperament & childhood experiences in Eating Disorders (38:30)
Webinar 3 & Video Material- Attachment Styles and Eating Disorders (10:57)
Webinar 4 - Schema Therapy Assessment in Eating Disorders (75:07)
Schema Mode Inventory for Eating Disorders - SMI-ED
Reflection Exercise: Formulating your clients' SCHEMA STORY based on unmet needs (22:38)
MODULE 2: Introducing Modes in ED
Video: Intro to the week- “Welcome to Module 2”
Webinar 1: Introducing common Eating Disorder Modes (60:45)
Webinar 2: ST Formulation, Mode Mapping in Eating Disorders (32:55)
Video - Talkback show Dr. Phil - Portrayals of anorexia nervosa & binge eating disorder (9:21)
Video: Diagnostic Imagery to identify ED modes & schemas linked to unmet needs (22:40)
Reflection Exercises: (1) Identify the possible modes that link to each stage of Fairburn's CBT-E model of Eating Disorders; (2) 'Spot the Modes' roleplay with Susan & Rob (12:57)
Answers to Reflection Exercises: (1) Spot the Modes & (2) Identifying the modes in the CBTE formulation
Reminder for Live Q & A Sessions on February 19th @ 8.15am and March 19th @ 8.15am 2025 (UK time zone)
MODULE 3: Motivational Issues in ST
Intro to the week- “Welcome to Module 3”
Webinar 1: Identifying and Working with Modes to Work With Motivation Issues; Internal Mode Meetings - facilitating mode dialogues and co-consciousness (84:05)
Videos - Talkshow clip demonstrating the role of modes in creating ambivalence (6:46)
Skills: Explaining the concept of modes & learning to roll with resistance (13:14)
Working with Ambivalence Reflection Exercise (13:55)
Recording of Live Online Q & A Session 19th February, 2025 (59:46)
MODULE 4: Limited Reparenting in Eating Disorders
Intro to the week- “Welcome to Module 4”
Webinar - Limited Reparenting & Attunement to the hidden Lonely Child. What can we learn from neuroscience? (96:18)
Skills Video- ' I have no Vulnerable Child' - Contaminating the Chair' (5:48)
Skills: Video: Coaching Client's Healthy Adult to reparent their Vulnerable Child (3:42)
Bonus Material: Five-step process of attunement with Rob Brockman (34:34)
Reflection Exercise: Wheel of Awareness (8:57)
MODULE 5: Strengthening Healthy Adult 'Wise Self' & Challenging the Inner Critic (‘Parent’) Mode
Intro to the week- “Welcome to Module 5”
Webinar 1 - Recognising the Inner Critic (77:50)
Video clip - Appearance focused Inner Critic Messages (6:46)
Webinar 2: Differentiating the Inner Critic from the Flagellating Overcontroller: Why is it important, and how should we respond?· (15:17)
Skills Video: Imagery Rescripting to address childhood experiences linked to ED & schemas (39:55)
Skills Video: Strengthening the Healthy Adult Mode (11:37)
Hollywood Video clip - Fighting the Inner Critic - My Mad Fat Diary (3:17)
Skills video - chairwork to fight the Punishing Mode (23:03)
Reflection Exercise: Focusing on our own Body-focused Inner Critic Messages (3:00)
MODULE 6: What’s the line-up: Coping Modes in EDs
Intro to the week- “Welcome to Module 6”
Webinar - Working with Coping Modes (82:17)
Videos - Overcontroller Presentations That Block Connection (9:00)
Video - Mogli from Jungle Book as Metaphor of the 'Trance' of Detached Self Soother/Stimulator (2:57)
Skills Video - Pros & Cons of Eating Disorder Coping Modes Exercise (34:11)
Skills Video - Chairwork for when client can't access their Vulnerable Side. Therapist plays Vulnerable Child. (23:21)
Skills videos- Chair Work With Overcontroller; (29:42)
Reflection Exercise: Therapists' coping modes as blocks to attunement (6:19)
Details of Live Q & A Session 19th March 8.15am (UK time) 2025
MODULE 7: Schema-Focused Cognitive & Behavioural Strategies for change
Intro to the week- “Welcome to Module 7”
Webinar 1 – The Role of Cognitive Strategies for Change in Eating Disorders; Cognitive Methods for Dealing With Toxic Guilt (59:20)
Webinar 2 – Behavioural Change Strategies (51:50)
Videos – Reviewing the Evidence Technique for Dealing With Failure or Defectiveness/Social Undesirability Schemas
Upward Arrow Technique for uncovering Function of Coping Modes
Exercise: Audio Flashcards for Responding to Body Signals (10:48)
Downloading Your Certificate and Keeping an Active PD Record/Course Finish Date
Upward Arrow Technique for uncovering Function of Coping Modes
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