Course Overview:
New Course Starts February 4th (2025)
The Healthy Adult mode is the backbone of a successful schema therapy treatment. Despite this key role, a detailed description of how the Healthy Adult mode can be explicitly enhanced and utilised therapeutically has been lacking in the literature.
This six-week online course designed and facilitated by Dr Rob Brockman, presents an approach to developing and strengthening the healthy adult part of the self, based on our recent book "Contextual Schema Therapy" (Roediger, Stevens, & Brockman, 2018). We define the Healthy Adult mode and outline how this mode can be explicitly promoted in Schema Treatment including drawing on core ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and 3rd-wave therapy processes including mindfulness, acceptance, values, and self-compassion.
Implications of this broadened scope on traditional schema therapy techniques (e.g. chairwork, mode-dialogues) will be demonstrated. Attendees will also learn a framework patients can use to trigger/access healthy adult in their daily lives.
This online course represents 16-hours of CPD and is likely to interest 3rd wave/ACT practitioners curious about schema therapy, as well as more seasoned schema therapists interested in 3rd wave/ACT integration, and implications for building the healthy adult mode. While this course is designed to be completed over 6-weeks, access to the course is given for a total of 16-weeks (Standard Access) from the start date, allowing for flexibility in completing the course at your own pace. There is also a 12-month (Extended Option) see below if you would like to keep access to all of the videos and materials longer. A Certificate of Completion will be issued immediately upon completion.
The course has an official start date of February 4th (2025), however most of the course material (minus the interactive elements) are available immediately on purchase, meaning you can get a head start on the course straight away if you like.
Please note: As a part of this course, there is a 1-Hour Interactive Q&A 'Zoom Cafe' with Rob Brockman (recorded also for later streaming for those that can't attend live). See below course curriculum for specific time/date of this Q&A.
Official Start February 4th (2025)
See below for
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Webinar Video and Reading: Building Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Defusion in Schema Therapy (31:29)
- Mindful Use of Mode Monitoring Form: Short Video (9:43)
- Acceptance of Emotions in Schema Therapy
- Presenting a Rationale for Mindfulness Practice within a Schema Therapy Framework
- Mindful 5-4-3 Grounding Technique
- Bonus Content from Course 2 (Mode Course): A 5-Step Process of Attunement (34:34)
- Week 2 Connection and Reflection Activity
Available in
after you enroll
- Webinar Video: Values Engagment as a Core Concept for Building Motivation and Identity (23:59)
- Introduction to the Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ)
- Experiential Values Exercises: Positive Imagery Exercise
- Webinar Video: Autonomy Support and Choice as a Driver of Motivation, Change and The Healthy Adult Mode (18:04)
- Committed Action (Pattern-Breaking) in Schema Therapy (7:12)
- Contextually Informed Pros and Cons Exercise (30:31)
- Connection and Reflection Task: Formulate a Discussion Question for upcoming Zoom Q&A (Schema Therapy Cafe')
- Homework Task Due for Week 5: Complete the Young Positive Schema Questionnaire on Yourself and a Client (Due in Week 5)
Available in
after you enroll
- Webinar Video: Understanding and Challenging the Functions of Self-Critisism in Schema Therapy: Interventions to Build Self-Compassion (27:25)
- Experiential Exercise for Compassion: Little Boy or Girl On the Street Imagery
- Experiential Exercise: Developing and Using an Image of a "Perfect Nurturer"
- Video Presentation Challenging the Function of the Critic Mode with Compassion (18:36)
- Week 4 Reflection and Connection Task
Available in
after you enroll
- Webinar Video: Assessing & Building Positive Schemas - Research and Practice (35:19)
- Reflection and Connection Task
- 'What's the Schemata' Podcast Video with ACT Expert Professor Joseph Ciarrochi (51:26)
- SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday April (2025) Schema Therapy Cafe: Zoom Meet and Q&A Session with Rob Brockman
Available in
after you enroll
- Week 6 Overview with Rob and Wrap-Up (2:08)
- Video 1: Perspective Taking in Schema Therapy: Connecting to Feelings States and Invoking the Healthy Adult Mode (12:44)
- Bonus Resources and Reflection Task: CST Youtube Channel and Examples of Impeaching the Critic with Perspective Shift
- Video 2: Flexible and Mindful Reparenting (9:40)
- Downloading Your Certificate and Keeping an Active PD Record/Course Finish Date
Available in
after you enroll
Robert Brockman, PhD (Clinical Psychologist
ISST Accredited Supervisor/Trainer
I have a background in teaching and supervising on Clinical Masters programs since 2010 (WSU 2010-2015, UTS 2015-Current). Since 2014 I have facilitated over 50 schema therapy workshops with colleagues around Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia, and Europe. In 2018, I co-authored 'Contextual Schema Therapy' (New Harbinger) an updated Therapist Guide to Schema Therapy that includes an approach integration of 3rd Wave techniques into Schema Therapy (Foreword by Jeff Young).
I have shared this workshop Live with colleagues in Australia, Singapore, and Europe, and now I am excited to share this material 'Online'.
This course is facilitated by Rob Brockman Co-author of the book:
Contextual Schema Therapy: An Integrative Approach to Personality Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation, and Interpersonal Functioning
Roediger, Stevens, and Brockman (2018)